Kids with ADHD more prone to depression, suicide as teens, research shows
According to researchers children who are diagnosed with ADHD an early age are susceptible to depression and suicide more than other teens.
Researchers said 18 per cent of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder between ages 4 to 6 were more depressed as teenagers without ADHD. There's a risk that these children are more to prone to commit suicide.
This is a very important reason that parents should not neglect ADHD in early childhood.
There is no cure for that, but treatment can be kept by a combination of drugs and therapy.
Researchers from the University of Chicago and the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, followed 123 children with ADHD from similar neighbourhoods and schools.
They discovered that children at a4 to 6 years of age are a at increased risk of depression and to some extent suicide during late childhood and adolescence.
Children with ADHD are also more likely than others to smoke and abuse drugs.
British researchers discovered the first reason that ADHD is a genetic disorder. This discovery should disprove thinking that ADHD is caused by bad parenting or high-sugar diets.
susceptible - easily influenced or affected by something
prone - likely to do something or be affected by something, especially something bad
diagnosed - to find out what physical or mental problem someone has by examining them
neglect - to fail to look after someone when you are responsible for them
You shouldn't neglect your homework.
disorder - an illness or medical condition
Everyone knows the effect of that disorder.
disprove – to prove that something
adolescence - the period of your life when you change from being a child to being a young adult
Adolescence is a period of transition between childhood and adulthood.
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